Education (694)


Lake Oswego Schools Foundation

The Lake Oswego Schools Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization that, through the support of the community, raises money to better the education for students in Lake Oswego schools. Our mission is to provide more teachers, classes, and experiences for all students in the Lake Oswego School District. All funds raised are distributed equitably across all schools in the Lake Oswego School district for the benefit of each and every student. Lake Oswego Schools Foundation was started by a parent of two students enrolled in Lake Oswego schools who had a passion for education and our community. Joel Kuntz worked with parents, teachers, administrators and elected board members to create a foundation for our community to ensure greater learning opportunities for students. More than 35 years later the mission of the Foundation remains, and Joel continues to contribute.

A high quality education requires more funding than state and local taxes provide. Lake Oswego is fortunate to have a Foundation. Neighboring communities make up their difference in ways that sacrifice learning, such as much larger schools and fewer class choices. The educational opportunities your Foundation donations afford our students is why many people choose to live in Lake Oswego. Our community’s legacy of supporting public education helps ensure all students receive the best public education possible. Foundation support is one of the main reasons why Lake Oswego schools have consistently ranked number one in the state and among the top in the nation. Because our community funds teachers, we give all Lake Oswego students unmatched opportunities to flourish.
Lake Oswego, Oregon
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