Automotive Happy Valley Oregon Washman Car Wash - Happy Valley

  • 8864 SE 82nd Ave Happy Valley, OR 97086 Oregon
    Business Hours
    07:30 am
    07:30 pm
    07:30 am
    07:30 pm
    07:30 am
    07:30 pm
    07:30 am
    07:30 pm
    07:30 am
    07:30 pm
    07:30 am
    07:30 pm
    08:00 am
    07:30 pm

    About Us

    Edit Merchant

    Welcome to Washman Car Wash - Happy Valley. Our goal is simple; deliver a clean, dry and shiny car quickly every time. With 18 locations in Portland, Gresham, Sandy, Salem, & Longview we're able to accomplish that goal on all vehicles up to 10 feet tall. Washing at Washman is like putting 30 gallons of clean water back. Let's say you wash weekly (which you should to maintain your ride), that's like 1,560 gallons of water a year, saved. Those computers with the fancy lights use just the right amount of water for your vehicle, and all of the dirty wash water gets recycled. That means less water in treatment plants, and more water for surfing, swimming, and other mother nature approved water activities.
